Sunday, January 24, 2010

First Blog Post

So, I have finally decided, after admiring all the pretty knitting blogs that I frequent, that I am finally going to take the plunge myself.  I suppose that I'll try to maintain this as primarily a knitting blog and a step towards designing my own pieces, but I'm sure some of my non-knitting life will seep in.  So here we go...

Right now I have several projects on the needles, including a half finished hat that I am attempting to design, but I am refusing to allow myself to work on any of them until after I've taken the LSATs.  I tend to be the type of knitter that MUST finish a project once I've started it, to the detriment of everything else that might be going on in my life.  Being that the LSATs are about 75% of how you get into law school, and knitting accomplishments are about, well, zero, I have had to painfully triage my daily activities to not include my "slightly" unhealthy addiction.

In order to fill the void with something fiber related, I have busied my spare moment unraveling sweaters for future knitting use.  It makes me feel like I've accomplished something knitting related, and when I need to stop to study, it is far easier to walk away from a half unraveled sweater then from a half finished hat, (just...a...few...more...rows!)  Here is a 100% wool XXL mens sweater that I have just finished pulling apart and hanked up:

It still needs of washed to remove the kinkiness, and I'm thinking about trying my hand at dyeing!  That should be a new adventure, but the beautiful world of internet knitters seems to have endless resources on how to do this.  (Methinks I foresee a future post.)

For any out there who doubt the ability of mere reclaimed thrift store sweaters to produce FOs as pretty as store bought yarn, allow me to enlighten you:

The beautiful thing about reclaimed yarn, is not only the whole tree hugging, carbon footprint, anti-consumption part of it, (though that is a nice plus,)  but also the money saving side.  All the pieces above are made of 100% natural fibers.  That amount and quality of yarn would have been out of the question on my miniscule college student budget.  I don't mind using acrylics for projects that warrant them (like baby clothes or things for people that I know will not have the patience to hand wash them), but if I can throw down 5 bucks at a thrift store, spend a couple hours taking it a part, and get several skeins of 100% merino, why not!

If anyone is interesting in reclaiming thrift store sweaters, Dawn Prickett's "My Virtual Insanity" blog has the best tutorial I've found, and it is defiantly better then anything I could come up with:  Recycling Sweaters For Yarn.


  1. Recycling sweaters sounds great, especially since I'm not letting myself buy new yarn for the moment.

    (You also inspired me to finally start my own yarn blog!)

  2. Just dropping by from Ravelry to send you good wishes for your new blog and a 99.9 percentile score (do they still call it that?) on your LSAT!

  3. I found your blog through ravelry, looking at posts about the Swallowtail shawl. I am fascinated by the notion of dismanteling sweaters and reusing the yarn. It's summer here, so the thrift stores are a bit short on wollens, but I have started combing the nearby stores ready for that elusive wool. Good luck with your LSATs!

  4. It's taken me a while to get around to responding to these, but thank you! :)
    The LSATs when great
